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PMO Global Institute Inc. is the global body for PMO certifications, representing global project management offices including project, program, and portfolio managers involved in defining, establishing, and running high-performing Project Management Offices (PMOs) in and across industry sectors.



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Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Every project manager or team has to deal with an almost infinite number of mistakes that have an impact on the project and make it take longer to get it done. These, in turn, cause the project to fail. Mistakes happen when you manage a project. Some mistakes aren't meant to be made again, or even a lot of times for that matter. Here are some of the most common project management mistakes and how to avoid them so that you and your team don't make another mistake that could be very bad.


Choosing an incompetent manager to run your project.

It's important for a skilled and experienced manager to know not only how to run a project but also how to run meetings, come up with a project plan, talk to stakeholders, and manage risks and resources. This is what you need. Such traits are thought to be important. It's important to hire a project manager who can adapt to the project becoming more complicated and more difficult.


People tend to put more work on an employee because they know he or she is free. Some people don't seem to care about their skills and abilities, so the team members' abilities don't match the tasks they need to do.

It's important to assign the tasks to the right person so that the stakeholders get the results or outcomes they want. In this case, set a task that is based on skills, not because they are available to do the job.


They don't use the right tools for the job. It can be hard for teams to keep track of their roles and tasks, which can slow down the project's progress. In the end, no one knows what they were supposed to do in the first place.

People need to be clear and have the right amount of space. Everyone on the team must know what their jobs and responsibilities are. Getting the project manager to distribute things in a proper way will help. However, the project manager also needs to set dates and deadlines for the tasks that need to be done while the project is being put into place. Let your members talk about their roles and responsibilities and make sure they understand them.


 NOT KNOWING WHAT THE PROJECT NEEDS.Another project management mistake that kills projects is when people don't agree on what requirements to use and how to meet them during the project. With so many tasks in each goal, the most important tasks aren't as important as they used to be, and everyone has different needs and ends up on different pages.To avoid this mistake, make a list of requirements or a statement of requirements that show what needs to be done to get this part done. Make sure that everyone knows about this part before you start the project.


Not defining the goal and scope of the project.There are so many tasks that people on a project forget what their goal and scope are. This is one of the most common mistakes that people make. Risks and problems come up when the scope of a project changes because of a lot of things that make it hard to figure out what it is. To make sure this doesn't happen, have a meeting with your team and stakeholders to talk about the specific goals and scope needed to achieve them.

Updates are important so that everyone isn't too busy with other things to forget about them.


 NOT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE TIME AND COST OF THE PROJECT. This is very important because your project's operation depends on the time and money. The project in question must be completed or finished on time and on budget.

When you are planning your project, make sure that you are allocating your time and money properly on each task. All the time and money you spend on a project adds up. If you waste time or money, you lose a piece of it.

Project management mistake number 7: 

not enough communication and involvement with the project team and the people who own the project.It's hard to blame someone when a project doesn't work out. This is why some team members leave or projects don't work at all. Not only that, but your mistake can hurt your reputation in the eyes of your stakeholders.

Engaging and communicating with each other is one of the best ways for a project team to be successful. Everyone should be able to say what they think about the project and the team, as long as it's relevant to the project and the team. As a facilitator, you should try to get team members to let their voices be heard and share their own ideas for the project. People who are interested in the project should always be told about changes in the project and should always listen to them.


You might think that if you do the whole thing the whole time, you will get good marks from the team or the bosses. This isn't true. Turns out, you'll look like you're a task-hog and won't be willing to listen to your team members' ideas.

As long as you ask for help, there's nothing wrong with it. You're all in this together for a reason. It's important to thank your team for their ideas and be eager to get their ideas and share your own during brainstorming sessions. That way, your members won't feel like they're less. important than you, and you won't come off as someone who is always looking for your boss's approval and attention, either.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT MISTAKE 9, so we'll talk about that in a second.

The software is there to help you manage and organize the process, not to solve your problems for you. Some project managers have become so reliant on this available software that it has taken over the entire team's work.

Also, software doesn't solve your problems. The project team or the project manager Choose software only if you want to do this. One at a time: And make sure that it's really important for your project. There are a lot of useful applications, but the most important ones are roadmaps, time schedule management, and project metrics. If you have a big and complicated project, these are the apps that you should have.

People make this project management mistake number 10: They don't pay attention to the process.

Skipping one step will have a chain reaction that will last from the start of your project to the end of it. Thus, the project failed. You started the project with a smile and a positive attitude, but when it came time to do it, you decided to just give up and try to find a shortcut.

It's not going to work out for you to hurry to the end of the project. You've kind of ruined everything. You can't do anything else. Take the time to do things right. Keep track of any changes and risks that might happen during the process. Have a good idea of the project's phases and tasks so that you will be even more excited to work on it.

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